バイラテラルフィルタで画像を美肌加工(VCL) ~Delphiソースコード集
(参考)バイラテラルフィルタ(bilateral filter)で美肌に加工(FMX)
(参考)ソーベルフィルタ(Sobel filter)で境界(エッジ)検出(VCL)
本ページの下部のソースコードをコピーして「BilateralFilter.pas」ファイルを作成し、 プロジェクトフォルダ内に入れる。プロジェクトの作成とソースコードの記述
unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils,System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs,Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; Image2: TImage; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses BilateralFilter; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bmp, dest :TBitmap; i :integer; const //バイラテラルフィルタの適用回数 repeat_count:integer=5; begin bmp:=TBitmap.Create; bmp.Assign(Image1.Picture.Graphic); dest:=TBitmap.Create; //バイラテラルフィルタを5回適用する for i := 1 to repeat_count do begin //元Bitmap, 適用後Bitmap, [3x3又は5x5又は7x7フィルタ(デフォルト5x5), [シグマ値(デフォルト20)]] MamBilateral(bmp, dest, TMamBilateral.Bilateral5x5, 20); bmp.Assign(dest); end; Image2.Picture.Assign(bmp); dest.Free; bmp.Free; end; end.
unit BilateralFilter; interface uses Vcl.Graphics,System.Math; Type TMamBilateral=(Bilateral3x3, Bilateral5x5, Bilateral7x7); //source画像にバイラテラルフィルタをかけてdestに作成する procedure MamBilateral(source,dest:TBitmap; bai:TMamBilateral=Bilateral3x3;sigma:integer=20); //source画像のグレースケール画像をdestに作成する procedure MamGrayScale(source,dest:TBitmap); const //ガウシアンフィルタ係数配列 gauss3:array[0..2]of array[0..2]of Single= ( (1,2,1),(2,4,2),(1,2,1) ); gauss5:array[0..4]of array[0..4]of Single= ( ( 1, 4, 6, 4, 1), ( 4,16,24,16, 4), ( 6,24,36,24, 6), ( 4,16,24,16, 4), ( 1, 4, 6, 4, 1) ); gauss7:array[0..6]of array[0..6] of Single= ( ( 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1), ( 6, 36, 90,120, 90, 36, 6), (15, 90,225,300,225, 90,15), (20,120,300,400,300,120,20), (15, 90,225,300,225, 90,15), ( 6, 36, 90,120, 90, 36, 6), ( 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1) ); implementation Type TMn=array of array of Single; TRRGB=record B,G,R:Single; end; TRGB =record B,G,R:byte; end; TRGBArr=array[0..32767] of TRGB; PRGBArr=^TRGBArr; TRGBArrArr=array[0..32767] of PRGBArr; TGauss=array of array of Single; //輝度差の正規分布とガウシアンフィルターの係数を掛け合わせる procedure MamLuminance(i,j,mn:integer;bmp:TBitmap; var gaa:TRGBArrArr;var s:TMn;gauss:TGauss;sigma:integer=20); var x,y,xx,yy,sig:integer; sum:Single; begin sig:=sigma*sigma; sum:=0; for x := 0 to mn*2 do for y := 0 to mn*2 do begin xx:=i+(x-mn); if (xx<0) OR (xx>=bmp.Width) then xx:=i-(x-mn); yy:=j+(y-mn); if (yy<0) OR (yy>=bmp.Height) then yy:=j-(y-mn); s[x][y]:=gaa[j,i].R-gaa[yy][xx].R; s[x][y]:=Power(2.71828182845905, (-s[x][y]*s[x][y]/sig))*gauss[x,y]; sum:=sum+s[x,y]; end; for x := 0 to mn*2 do for y := 0 to mn*2 do begin s[x][y]:=s[x][y]/sum; end; end; procedure MamBilateral(source,dest:TBitmap; bai:TMamBilateral=Bilateral3x3;sigma:integer=20); var i,j,x,y,xx,yy:integer; smn:TMn; gray:TBitmap; gauss:TGauss; drgb:TRRGB; gaa,saa,daa:TRGBArrArr; mn:integer; begin mn:=1; if bai=Bilateral5x5 then mn:=2; if bai=Bilateral7x7 then mn:=3; source.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; gray:=TBitmap.Create; MamGrayScale(source,gray); dest.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; dest.SetSize(source.Width,source.Height); for j := 0 to gray.Height-1 do begin gaa[j]:=gray.ScanLine[j]; saa[j]:=source.ScanLine[j]; daa[j]:=dest.ScanLine[j]; end; setlength(gauss,mn*2+1); setlength(smn,mn*2+1); for i := 0 to mn*2 do begin setlength(gauss[i],mn*2+1); setlength(smn[i],mn*2+1); end; if bai=TMamBilateral.Bilateral3x3 then for i := 0 to length(gauss3)-1 do for j := 0 to length(gauss3[i])-1 do gauss[i][j]:=gauss3[i][j]; if bai=TMamBilateral.Bilateral5x5 then for i := 0 to length(gauss5)-1 do for j := 0 to length(gauss5[i])-1 do gauss[i][j]:=gauss5[i][j]; if bai=TMamBilateral.Bilateral7x7 then for i := 0 to length(gauss7)-1 do for j := 0 to length(gauss7[i])-1 do gauss[i][j]:=gauss7[i][j]; for j := 0 to gray.Height-1 do begin for i := 0 to gray.Width-1 do begin MamLuminance(i,j,mn,gray,gaa,smn,gauss,sigma); drgb.R:=0; drgb.G:=0; drgb.B:=0; for y := 0 to mn*2 do for x := 0 to mn*2 do begin xx:=i+(x-mn); if (xx<0) or (xx>=source.Width) then xx:=i-(x-mn); yy:=j+(y-mn); if (yy<0) or (yy>=source.Height) then yy:=j-(y-mn); drgb.R:=drgb.R+smn[x][y]*saa[yy][xx].R; drgb.G:=drgb.G+smn[x][y]*saa[yy][xx].G; drgb.B:=drgb.B+smn[x][y]*saa[yy][xx].B; end; daa[j,i].R:=Round(drgb.R); daa[j,i].G:=Round(drgb.G); daa[j,i].B:=Round(drgb.B); end; end; gray.Free; end; //グレースケール変換 procedure MamGrayScale(source,dest:TBitmap); var lines:PRGBArr;//source lined:PRGBArr;//dest v:byte; x,y:integer; begin if not assigned(dest) then dest:=TBitmap.Create; source.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; dest.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; dest.SetSize(source.Width,source.Height); for y := 0 to source.Height-1 do begin lines:=source.ScanLine[y]; lined:=dest.ScanLine[y]; for x := 0 to source.Width-1 do begin v:=round(0.299*lines[x].R+0.587*lines[x].G+0.114*lines[x].B); lined[x].R:=v; lined[x].G:=v; lined[x].B:=v; end; end; end; end.